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High Definition Liposuction Gallery

Patient 1

Before Breast Augmentation
After Breast Augmentation

Patient 2

Case--9356 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--9356 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 3

Case--4967 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--4967 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 4

Breast Augmentation with Lift
After Breast Augmentation with lift

Patient 5

Before Tummy Tuck Surgery
After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Patient 6

Case--2908 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--2908 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 7

Before High Definition Liposuction
After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 8

Case--1628 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--1628 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 9

Case--1542 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--1542 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 10

Case--7712 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--7712 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 11

Case--4086 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--4086 | After High Definition Liposuction

Patient 12

Case--9303 | Before High Definition Liposuction
Case--9303 | After High Definition Liposuction

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