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What Can Rhinoplasty Fix?

Posted January 15, 2019 in Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is often one of the most rewarding cosmetic procedures a patient can undergo. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, sculpts and repairs noses that have suffered trauma, such as from an injury or car accident, or noses that have caused patients aesthetic anxiety since childhood. Many aspects of the nose can provide dissatisfaction and affect the […]

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How To Maintain Your Mommy Makeover

Posted November 07, 2018 in Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy leaves many new mothers dissatisfied with their updated appearances. Areas that were once youthful and firm now droop, sag, and deflate. And even with all the newfound joy that motherhood brings, there is still a disappointment that their bodies do not return to the way they were before pregnancy and breastfeeding occurred. Mommy Makeover […]

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BOTOX® Cosmetic Isn’t Just for Women

Posted October 22, 2018 in BOTOX® Cosmetic

One of the most common misconceptions about cosmetic procedures is that they are only designed for women. This statement couldn’t be more false. The market for men’s cosmetic enhancements is growing rapidly, and a good majority of that is for procedures like BOTOX® Cosmetic. Forget Stereotypes It shouldn’t be surprising that men care just as […]

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Liposuction Q and A

Posted September 13, 2018 in Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the leading forms of cosmetic surgery and is for fairly obvious reasons. Liposuction sculpts your body and gets rid of stubborn pockets of fat in little time and with minimal discomfort. While the concept of liposuction is straightforward, there are still some misconceptions and questions about this procedure. Is liposuction right […]

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Your Tummy Tuck Recovery Time Frame

Posted July 20, 2018 in Tummy Tuck

Attaining a flat and contoured midsection is a goal for men and women of all ages. And while it’s easy to daydream about this body aesthetic, it’s hard to accomplish on your own, especially when aging, genetics, pregnancies, and weight fluctuations come into play. Because of this difficulty, many men and women turn to cosmetic […]

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The Best Reasons to Turn to Cosmetic Surgery

Posted June 12, 2018 in Reasons for Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a significant physical, emotional, and financial commitment. Patients of all ages turn to Dr. Wilson in Huntsville, Alabama to perform cosmetic surgery for many different reasons. While most of these reasons are good, legitimate, and understandable, other reasons are not as easy to back up. Here is a list of some of […]

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Getting the Perfect Pout

Posted April 10, 2018 in Facial Fillers

With the rise in popularity of social media and the “selfie revolution,” women and men of all ages are placing more emphasis on their physical appearances and how those appearances translate in photos. This has created a spike in many facial cosmetic procedures, and one that has received the most significant bump in business is […]

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How Do I Know the Best Implants for My Active Lifestyle?

Posted March 26, 2018 in Breast Augmentation

Many active and athletic women desire the results offered through breast augmentation but wonder if implants will interfere with their lifestyle. The answer is: not at all. Women of all activity levels can get their ideal results with breast augmentation. There are, however, some things to consider before your surgery to ensure that your new […]

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