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The size, shape, and silhouette of your nose can have a significant impact on the symmetry and beauty of your face. You may have always been unhappy with the look of your nose, or an injury could have recently altered its appearance. Because the nose is the focal point of the face, restoring a balanced and attractive nose can improve your overall facial harmony and increase your confidence. Rhinoplasty is the surgical process of sculpting the nasal structures for a new, more attractive nose.

Your Nose Surgery

Incision Options

What Do You Desire?

Rhinoplasty Concerns

Frequently Asked Questions

Rhinoplasty is performed with the patient under general anesthesia.
We can perform rhinoplasty on teens and young adults. However, the nasal structures should be fully formed prior to surgery. This usually occurs between 16 and 18 years of age, but this varies between boys and girls.
Swelling and nasal packing make it impossible to breathe through the nose for several days following your surgery. While you shouldn’t have difficulties breathing through the mouth, it can be uncomfortable for some people.
The bridge of your nose will be sensitive following your surgery. You shouldn’t wear glasses or sunglasses for several weeks after your surgery. After this time, glasses with protective rims may be worn until Dr. Wilson determines your nose is completely healed.
Initial swelling can dramatically alter the appearance of your nose. By six weeks, most major swelling should subside enough to see the final shape of your nose. However, minor swelling may still exist that can impact the subtle shaping of your nose for up to a year.

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